Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Banana Blueberry Bread

I used my mom's recipe to make some banana blueberry bread. The recipe has been folded many times and my mom's writing has faded. If I were a scrapbooker, I would do something to preserve the original recipe for sentimental reasons. Using the recipe made me miss my mom and think about other recipes I should make. She always made lemon meringue and pecan pie for the holidays. I have never made either but think I should try them.


  1. Dave saw me reading your blog and drooled over the picture!!

  2. that does look good. I keep my recipes in plastic sheet protectors in a three ring binder. then I can just tear pages from magazines or print out recipes and put them in as well. that might help save your recipe.

  3. You must share the recipe with me and show me how you do this one as I am sure the folding of the mix was delicate~

    Did you pick the fresh blueberries yourself?

    Have you ever tried Rasberries?

    Yumm Yumm! I think I am coming over to your house!

    I can actually taste that right now!
