Sunday, September 14, 2008


We attended my Uncle Max's 100th birthday party today. It was real nice to get together with my family for something other than a funeral. We rarely see each other; my wedding(34 years ago) may have been the last time we all were together to celebrate. The pictures are of my Uncle Max, Aunt Gertie and Aunt Romaine. Aunt Gertie and Aunt Romaine are younger-98 and 96. All three live alone in their own homes! They have a little trouble hearing but are mentally sharp. When I visited my Aunt Romaine a year ago, she showed me her crafts, talked about watching the Carol Duval Show and was going to bake cookies using a recipe she had gotten from the Martha Stewart Show. My cousins and I wonder if we will be around for more than a hundred years. My aunt told me today that her grandfather lived till over 100.

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