Sunday, December 7, 2008

Cottage Blocks

For my quilt group we are exchanging 12.5 Christmas blocks at our meeting on Wednesday. We are to take two and get two in return. I made one for myself too, figuring in about 5 years I could have 15 squares and make myself a Christmas quilt. Jenny suggested I make cottage blocks. She follows a blog and they were doing a cottage block exchange. I've also been watching the blog because the author (Nanette) is always making neat quilts or showing unique fabric. Nanett's blog is . She had a pattern for the cottage block and a tutorial. I had to alter the pattern a little so it would turn out a 12.5 in square.


  1. I like how the green fabric looks like shingles. Nice job!

  2. Wow mary! You are so talented and my mom is so blessed to have you as her friend. This pillow is so neat and my mom will treasure it forever. I wish I could sew you really are a special person. Thanks for sharing this. I hope you don't mind me posting a comment to your blog. My mom wanted to show me this and I am so glad I got to see it. Merry Christmas!

  3. I found you from your comment on Freda's Hive. Nanette is so clever! I like your Christmas cottage blocks - re-sizing them was a good idea! Wish I'd thought of that before I started making them for myself...
    Merry Christmas!

  4. Ohh wow. These are so cute! I love them. I'm so proud of them. And you. I love your cottages. So darling. thanks for mentioning me. I am always so happy to see the cottages and what different people do with them.
