Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Homemade Christmas Gifts

The girls are both back home safely and I have more computer time, so my next posts will be of some of the neat Christmas presents I received.
Jenny made me a table runner using my favorites, purple and leaves. It will look good on the table any season of the year.

Ang made jars of Roasted Garlic & Onion Jam and Pear Butter to give to all the family. She has a tiny kitchen to work in, but still managed to can the jars of goodies. Unfortunately because of weather problems in Chicago, Ang's flight from New York was delayed a day and she missed Christmas Eve with one side of the family. We were going to give her gift out later when we saw family members but again the airline wrecked the plan. Most of the jars unsealed during her flight, so only the family she saw on Christmas were able to receive the jam and butter.


  1. I'm really interested in how you like the roasted garlic and onion jam. I've never heard of something like that!

  2. That roasted garlic and onion jam is something that I just have to get!!! I love both!

    Did you like it?
