Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Quilt Group Squares

Our quilt group met today for our December meeting. We exchanged 12.5 inch blocks. One of the two I got, has an appliqued poinsettia on it. The applique was done by hand using a blanket stitch. The other block was made using the arrow star pattern. Both are very nicely done and will look great in a Christmas quilt in a few years. I'm not sure about blog etiquette, so I cover up the name of the lady who made the arrow star pattern.


  1. These blocks are a good start to something Christmas-y. Not sure about the etiquette either. If she's not a blogger she may not want her name shown, but perhaps just the first name for credit where credit is due.
    Happy Christmas!

  2. I love exchanges. They are unpredictable and fun.
