Friday, February 6, 2009

An Ang Original

Ang has been the family artist for years. We have her beautiful watercolors and pottery decorating our home. They are mostly projects she completed in college. She is now a graphic designer in the Big Apple. She has taken some jewelry designing classes in New York.

For Christmas she made me a pin. I really like pins and when I worked, I always wore one. The pin wasn't completely done at Christmas so I just saw it under construction. The completed pin arrived in the mail today.

The pin is really a miniature piece of art. Ang made it completely from scratch. She made the enameled background in her small kiln. (The back of the enameled side had tiny snowflakes in the blue background and I got to choose the side to be on the front. I figured snow would limit when I could wear the pin so I picked the shaded blue side.) The body of pin is made out of silver. She carved the detailed scene with the trees and tiny bunny. The back, the enamel and carved front were put together with a ring of silver. She has tools like Tom has in the shed but on a much smaller scale. Her welding equipment is a miniature of his. I'm sure I left out a lot of the steps involved in the construction but I know that it was a long and meticulous process. Ang got some technical advice from her boyfriend, Austin. He is a jewelry designer.

Ang told me she had insured the package with the pin for $200, just in case it got lost in the mail. In my mind, I can't place the monetary value on the pin. It means the world to me. Thanks sooo much, Ang.


  1. that is really a precious pin. Angie is so talented and I bet you will wear it with pride. I want to thank you for having us over today and helping me with my project. I know it must have taken a lot of paitence with me cause I am slower then most. Thanks so much again mary it was fun and I really enjoy being with you and my mom.

  2. What a lucky mom you are! The pin is beautiful. It is a perfect pin for you, Mary, as you love bunnies. I still have the 2 pins Ang made for me. They are 2 girls made from clothespins-so cute!

  3. This pin is gorgeous! You have such a talented family!
