Monday, March 23, 2009

Finally Back Online

For the past week, our Internet has been hit or miss. Mostly missing. Our provider has one excuse after another, hopefully everything is now fixed. It is hard to believe how dependant we have become on the Internet. Jenny was nice enough to post our winner on Saturday, thanks Jenny & congrats to John.

Jeff, our son, came home to visit on Sunday. He works on GM's Volt. Jeff was able to drive a test mule of the Volt home. He had his computer hooked up to the car so he could take readings, etc. Jeff said since he had the car out in the public, I could put a picture on my blog.

Because Jeff was home for Sunday dinner, I decided to make a nicer dessert. I made a blueberry cheese cake. The cost of the ingredients surprised me...over $10 for a 9 inch square dessert. The blueberry pie filling was $4.59! At least the cheese cake was very tasty and there was enough to send home a few pieces with Jeff. ( Always want to encourage him to keep visiting.)


  1. oh wow this cheesecake looks devine lucky Jeff!! the car is nice looking. sounds like Jeff has lots of fun with the cars he gets to use. So glad your back online and able to share your treats. I will see you tommorow as we have quilt club allready. have a super day!!

  2. Darn that John!!!

    The car and the dessert look great. Although right about now I'd take the cheesecake!

  3. Glad you're back. The cheesecake looks delicious. Jenny and I have been trading emails regarding some of her crafts. You two are inspiring me to try some new projects.
