Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

This is part of the view from my kitchen window. I love being able to look out and enjoy my flowers.

This is a better view of the flowers taken from the side of the bed.

I have been busy working in the yard so no sewing in this post only flowers. These are some more of the Grape Hyacinths my neighbor, Janet, gave me.

Some happy Paper Whites on the side of the house.

A few years ago my sister-in-law, Kathryn, gave me some Flirty Marys. I planted them in a few different spots but they never bloomed. Surprise after 3 years, they're blooming!

This is a closeup of the gorgeous flower.

I'm not sure what this plant is but it seems to like the shade behind the house and is spreading and multiplying.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day. I know I will, we are picking Jenny up at the airport in a few hours :) What a nice present!


  1. I think that last one is called "Lamium" or "Dead Nettle" (lovely name). I have some but mine hasn't done very well, probably due to the drought in SC last year.

  2. You are such a gardener! Your flowers are gorgeous! Happy Mother's Day to you, as well.

  3. happy mother's day Mary! very goregous flowers looking at your lard and little fence opening looks like looking into a painting very nice! have fun on your quilt trip this week!

  4. Wow what a lovely yard. Nice Jenny could spend time with you.
