Wednesday, July 8, 2009


When I saw the Pixie Patch fabric in a quilting magazine, I knew I had to have some. I looked for it when my quilt group visited about 10 quilt shops but was unable to find it. When I looked on the Internet, I found 2 versions, one in bright summer colors and one in warm fall colors. Usually I go with the ultra bright but the warm fall colors won out. After shopping local shops and the net, I've collected the fabrics below to make a wall hanging.

Last week when we had the cookout for Ang and Austin, my sister in law, Linda had a present for me or Jenny. Linda and her mom were having a garage sale and Linda's mom was going to sell this fabric. Linda recognized it as vintage and knew one of us would love it in our stash.

I think the fabric dates to the early 70's. I remember Holly Hobbie being very popular back then. I really like the fabric, but Jenny has a growing vintage fabric collection and uses it in her quilts regularly. So the fabric is on it's way to Colorado. I'm so glad Linda didn't let her mom sell the fabric.


  1. Those colors look very nice together. Can't wait to see the completed project.
    What a nice mom to send Jenny the fabric. She'll be thrilled.

  2. very cute fabric and how sweet of you to send to Jenny. Your wonderful and thanks again so much for my potholders they mean so much to me.
