Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall Decor

Some of my friends from Quilt Club bought a pattern for a table runner when we went on our fabric shopping trip. They decided we should work on them at our last working meeting. I've finished mine.

I bought fabric for the top but found some fall fabric in my stash for the backing.

Not surprisingly, I really like the Halloween fabric with the little mice among the pumpkins.

I've been bringing out my fall decor. The following Eddie Walker spools are on a shelf in my sewing room.


  1. Cute spools and I love your Halloween fabric.

  2. Another post where you refer to using fabric from your stash. So confusing. You didn't buy new fabric for it? :)

  3. Your table runner turned out cute! Maybe I should make one after all! The spools are darling!

  4. hi Mary your runner is so darling I love the fabric you used for it. hard to beleive it is October allready. Your spools are so cute also hope your doing well...
