Thursday, October 29, 2009

Millington Quilt Club Invitational

On Wednesday the Millington Quilt Club had it's Invitational. Lenore Crawford spoke to the guests and then lunch was served. The club member's quilts, wall hangings, bags and items of clothing were on display before and after the presentation and luncheon. We had wall hangings and table runners in the room where lunch was served.

One of our members, Julie made some beautiful fall cakes which we served for dessert. My photo of the table doesn't show the cakes off well.

Lenore Crawford's presentation was in the church which is attracted to the room where we ate and hold our monthly meetings. Members draped their quilts over the pews which were going to be empty.

Quilted items were also on display in the entry to the church.

This is our president, Julie welcoming everyone to the Invitational.
This is Carole, she was chairperson of the Invitational. She is introducing our speaker, Lenore Crawford.
I will post pictures of Lenore and her work in my next post.


  1. You did a nice job posting the luncheon!

  2. Everything is wonderful. What a lot of work! I'm sure you had a fabulous time. Beautiful quilts.
