Monday, October 26, 2009

Say Yes to the Dress

I spent the weekend in New York City. I went there to help my daughter, Angela, shop for her wedding dress. The photo below is looking out the window of the last place we shopped for the dress. Ang is going back later this week to order a dress she liked from this designer. It isn't one of the dresses in the photo. She picked a classic dress with simple lines because she plans to design and create a necklace to wear with the dress. I'm sure she is going to look stunning, of course I'm not at all biased.

We had quite a bit of time between appointments at bridal shops, so we did some shopping. We were near the garment district, so we were near my favorite type of stores. This is Ang in front of one of our stops.

Below is a typical tourist photo in the garment district, I'm easily impressed by tall buildings.

Ang lives in Brooklyn. This is a photo of a shop in her neighborhood. I think the small shops with produce and flowers outside are very charming.

Since the computer is still not up to speed, I will do another post later with more of NYC.


  1. Sounds like an exciting weekend. Reminds me of Project Runway and the like. Were the bridal shops anything like the show on TV?

  2. Glad to see you had a good time and that Angie found a dress. The pavement looked wet. Did it rain? Did you find any fabric?

  3. Aw so fun. What a nice thing to do. It is still so clear on my mind! Wedding shopping, both good and bad. I'll have to live through your wedding now. It will be nice to enjoy and not have the stress or $ part!!

  4. looks like it was so much fun I am glad Angie found her a dress that is so neat that she will be making her own necklace to go with it. I bet it will be great. looking forward to seeing more pictures.
