Sunday, October 18, 2009

Millington Quilt Club Part 2

Very frustrating day at the computer.....for some unknown reason the computer would not let me download my photos for this post. I tried numerous things and finally was able to download one picture at a time.

These are more photos from our Wednesday meeting. The picture below is a memory quilt made by Faith.

At our last work meeting, many of the members worked on Halloween wall hangings using a pattern Eileen found online. The photo below is Viola's.

Viola also shared some crazy quilting with the club.

This is Eileen's Halloween wall hanging.

Eileen also showed us a friendship wall hanging made for Pat, a club member who moved from the area. It was signed by club members.

Peggy made this beautiful quilt, Julie did the quilting.

Karen made the following scrappy quilt using her deceased mother's clothing.

This is Karen's Halloween wall hanging in progress.

Marlene showed us her Bow Tuck purse.

Jeanann completed her Halloween wall hanging. She used glow in the dark thread on the top. I like her use of prairie points.


  1. I really enjoy your posts. One of these days I'm going to make a quilt.

  2. The medallion quilt is wonderful. Of course I adore the ghost/pumpkin too. I really would like to make the ghost/pumpkin sometime. Of course not this year.
