Tuesday, December 1, 2009

More Hot Pads

When I was making hot pads last week for the church booth at the craft show and some for Christmas gifts, I decided to try a new style with binding. I will make hot pads without binding in the future. The pad that looked the best with binding need to be hand sewn on the back....very time consuming for a hot pad.

This is the back of the hot pads.

Tom has been recycling old bread for the birds. He cuts it into cubes, toasted it and then seasons it. The blue jays love his creation.

They will actually stuff two cubes into their mouths before flying away to eat the bread.


  1. Such fabulous close ups of the blue jays. Utah is not the land of blue jays. When we lived in PA there were some around. Your hot pads are cute but yes, they can be so time consuming for a little thing.

  2. Love thos penguins! What a nice close up of the blue jays!

  3. I saw this guy on our birdfeeder too.. We also have a few different wood peckers floating around the trees.
