Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First Sign of Spring

I have some crocus planted near the front porch. When they pop up, I know spring is on the way.

The flowers scream "Spring" even though there is a foot of snow just a few feet away.

Just a day or two of warm weather has made them burst into happy blooms.

The zoom on the camera makes the tiny crocus look like a tulip.

Spring is on it's way :)


  1. Aren't they beautiful, happy spring thoughts!

  2. Yay! I now have a picture for a new background for my computer. I love your flower and bird pictures! They make such nice wallpaper.

  3. I checked on last your 2009 crocus posting, and it wasn't until March 25th. Will spring be early this year?

  4. you have gorgeous flowers how exciting to see them this soon! I planted tulips and dafodils in my yard last fall and there starting to sprout I am so excited. Thanks for sharing and hope your well. Happy spring!
