Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Smock Apron

I made Jenny a smock apron for Easter. It took a lot more time than I had estimated. I'm making one for myself and it seems to be coming along faster because I know what I'm doing. The pattern had very poor directions. Luckily years ago I made some garments, so I remembered some clothing sewing tips.

The apron was made with cupcake fabric because Jenny is the Cupcake Queen. Her panda cupcakes were even pictured in a Women's Day online article.

Last week when we were having summer weather, my early tulips burst into bloom. Even though they are tiny they brighten up the back yard.


  1. The apron turned out very nice!

  2. Jenny's cupcakes are famous. I'm impressed with them being in a magazine! I love smock aprons. I have one I have worn and now need to take it apart and make a pattern out of it. It is perfect. I wear an apron most of the time at home and the smock ones are really nice.

  3. I would love to have some smock aprons. Where can I get this pattern, please?
