Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Purse

Last week some of my friends were taking a purse class at My Lil' Quilt Shop in Millington. I remembered that I had bought the Lazy Girl Towne Purse pattern and fabric and never made the bag, so I decided to take the class. When I dug out the pattern and fabric, the receipt made me realized it had been in my stash for five years!

The pattern has a pocket with a flap on the outside, I opted to only put the pocket on the front and leave the back plain.

The inside has six pockets. I decided to line the bag with lighter bright fabrics. My sister-in-law had once recommended that it would be easier to see items inside a purse with light linings. I imagine she was thinking of white or beige fabric but I love bright colors.

I learned a lot in the class and had a good time with my friends.

1 comment:

  1. It is darling. Good job! I can tell you really made it well.
