Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spring Flowers and Birthday Presents

This is the view from my kitchen window. In the spring I have a variety of tulips and daffodils planted in front of the fence and arbor.

The tulips are beautiful in their prime.

Our quilt club decided our beverage cups should have tops that can be sealed so there won't be mishaps involving quilts and beverages. For my friend, Pat's birthday, I decided to dress up a mug for her. I bought a photo mug from Starbucks and lined it with fabric instead of a photo.

I used Heat and Bond to put Pat's name on the fabric. I think appliqueing the name would have been neater but the space in the mug was too narrow to allow for the stitching.


  1. You are so lucky to have a kitchen window. Maybe I'd enjoy doing dishes more if I had one. I love your arbor and beautiful flowers.

  2. That mug is genius. I love it. You must really live in a beautiful area. I know there is so much beauty in Michigan.
