Thursday, September 23, 2010

Millington Quilt Club Invitational 2010

The Millington Quilt Club had its Invitational on Wednesday. Our guest speaker was Kaye England. The event was held at a local church. Kaye spoke in the church and a lunch was served later in the attached meeting hall. Club member decorated the hall with numerous quilting projects. These pictures were taken before the event.

Guest were greeted in the church entry where we also displayed our projects.

Yesterday was Dena's birthday. This is part of our club singing "Happy Birthday" to her before guests arrived.

This is Carole introducing Kaye England. Carole was the chairperson of the event. She put in a lot of hours and all her preparations made the event a success.

Kaye England was a very entertaining speaker. She presented a lot of information in a humorous manner.

This is a photo of the back of one of Kaye's quilts. As you can see we had a full house, we sold 250 tickets to the event.
I will post more photos of Kaye's quilts in another post.

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