Monday, December 20, 2010

Pins and Needles

I used some paper piecing scraps to decorate Altoid-like tins for Christmas presents.

I used a layer Mod Podge to glue the fabric to the tins and then applied a few more layers of Mod Podge, similar to decoupage. I sprayed the tops with sealer after they dried.

On the inside, I put a pin cushion on the top and a magnet on the bottom, to hold straight pins from falling out. Since the tins were too small to hold spools of thread, I included two bobbins with thread. I thought the tins would be useful when we do hand sewing at quilt club.

I labeled the tin bottoms with my friends' names and a graphic.


  1. I have tons of leftover Altoids tins. Great idea, thanks!

  2. You are full of so many clever and useful ideas!

  3. You are full of so many clever and useful ideas!
