Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Multiplying Bunnies

Bunnies seem to multiply at my home. This pair has been with us the longest. My cousin, Kathy painted them as prizes at my bridal shower.

Thirty years ago, before Angie was born, I bought this threesome. I wasn't sure if Ang was going to be a boy or girls so I bought one bunny that looked like a boy to represent Jeff, one that looked like a girl for Jenny and one bunny that could be either male or female.

When we redid my sewing room, I found these bunny spools and thimble on Ebay.

A few years ago, after we went through my mom's knickknacks, these bunnies joined my Easter collection.

The last time I worked at our church's Mission Store, I couldn't pass by this pair at ten cents each.

This winter has been long and snowy, meaning I've had way too much time to browse the internet.....found this cookie jar on sale at the Fritz and Floyd outlet!

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