Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Using Up Leftovers

Last summer, some of my friends and I took some Crazy Quilting classes. Dena has since decided she doesn't enjoy doing hand work. She was very generous and gave me her threads and trims.

After making Cheryl's birthday present, I had a lot of leftovers. Rather than just adding them to the ever growing stash, I decided to make Dena a thank you present. I made a pair of placemats.

The backs were the leftover rooster print. Dena also decorates her kitchen with a rooster theme.

More scraps went into a pair of napkins.

A pair of hot pads used up most of the rest of the leftovers.


  1. Love how they turned out and I bet Dena does, too.

  2. Hmmmm. The placemat looks a little familiar. Now I understand your comment, made while you were examining my placemats. LOL.
