Saturday, September 3, 2011

Peach Jam

My brother and brother-in-law both gave us some tasty peaches. While shopping for groceries, I made an impulsive purchase...lite fruit pectin. Dieting is an never ending battle and low sugar jam sounded like a good idea.

I used the peaches and pectin to make some peach jam. It turned out well and the whole batch only has one cup of sugar. The consistency is a little different than regular full sugar jam but the jam is not lacking in flavor. Not bad for an impulse purchase.


  1. That is the brand I used to make a batch of freezer jam. It is rather runny but does have a good taste. also.

  2. Looks yummy! If it's runny it might make a nice topping for ice cream, which would help take care of the healthiness. Or you could put it on greek yogurt like we had when you visited (the unsweetened kind is good with jam).

  3. Looks like an ad for the pectin product. Save a little taste for me.

  4. hmm. wish I had gone that route. my big huge batch of jam had 45!cups of sugar. No kidding. And it isn't as flavorful as I'd like it. It tastes too lemony. The recipe asked for quite a bit of lemon. Not that thats a bad thing but still. Next time I'm opting for the low sugar jam.
