Friday, October 7, 2011

Edyta Sitar Speaks at Millington Quilt Club Invitational

The Millington Quilt Club was fortunate to have Edyta Sitar as our speaker at our Invitational. (I've been told by long time members that the title came about when different local quilt groups invited each other to get together and share ideas and the years I've been a member the Invitational has been a luncheon with a name speaker, some prizes and a display of members quilts)

The following photos are of some the quilts our club members had on display at the Invitational.

Edyta was kind enough to pose for this photo since the pictures I took during her talk didn't turn out well.

In this photo, you can see the stacks of quilts Edyta shared with us. That is Edyta's husband, Micheal helping club members display the quilts.

Besides the full size quilts, Edyta had some beautiful wall hangings.

The quilts below are the same pattern only one is a baby quilt.

The following two photos are closer views of the quilts.

Edyta uses both batiks and prints in her quilts. She suggested using large, medium and small prints along with dots and stripes in a quilt to give it punch. (She has her own line of fabrics.)

After Edyta's highly entertaining presentation and lunch, Edyta and two local quilt shops sold a variety of books, fabric and supplies. This is a photo of Edyta signing her book for a club member.

My photos don't do Edyta's work justice, for better photos and information about Edyta Sitar check out her website, Laundry Basket Quilts.

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