Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cookies in the Mail

Jenny has been busy baking and I was the lucky recipient of some of her goodies. A package arrived in the mail with three containers of cookies.

The top left container has coconut pineapple oatmeal cookies and apricot almond shortbread. The one on the right has caffeine cookies and rugelach. On the bottom there are chocolate pretzel and potato chip cookies. They are all very tasty. I had to put them in the freezer because they would all be gone before everyone is home for Christmas.
I bought the following pattern to make some hats for our church bazaar.
It didn't take much time to make the four fleece hats. I decorated the side of each with a three dimensional flower with a button center.


  1. Those caps are so darling! I love them. They look warm and sweet. The cookies are delicious looking.

  2. Mmmm What a wonderful daughter to make such delicious looking cookies. I think I will adopt her. The hats are awesome and I am sure the recipients think so too!
