Monday, January 23, 2012

Fabric Art in North Carolina

Last week we visited my brother-in-law in North Carolina. While there we visited a shop in Asheville which sold a variety of local artists' work. There was pottery, wood furniture and jewelry, but my favorite was the fabric art. Below are some photos of some of my favorites.

Below is the view from my brother-in-laws deck just after sunrise.
This is the view while the sun was coming up. I think it would make into a beautiful wall quilt.

This is the view from the front yard; a wall hangings in shades of gray???


  1. That is some pretty "wow" stuff, Mary! I can see how you are inspired to do something with your photos. Can't wait to see what you come up with! ...Donna

  2. Where was that display of quilted photo's? Are you going to start trying to make pictures?
