Monday, March 5, 2012

First Sign of Spring

Finally my first crocus is blooming. My sister-in-law, Linda had one blooming weeks ago.

I haven't planted new bulbs in a few years and the old ones are really multiplying. However the flowers seem a lot smaller, so I should probably plant some new bulbs in the fall.

I have been working on a quilt using up a lot of my scraps. This is the top.

This is part of the back. I will post more pictures after the quilt is back from the quilter and the binding is sewn on.


  1. Oh, those crocuses are a welcome sign! Your quilt is turning out nice. Love the bright colors.

  2. The quilt turned out great! I like the modern design for the back.

  3. My crocuses and hyacinths are small too. Is it because they came on so fast and early? I love the colors in your quilt.

