Monday, May 21, 2012

Disappointing Quilt

I finally finished putting the binding on my last quilt. I've had it back from the quilter for a while but haven't been motivated to finish it. This is the top.

This side is the back.  I had intended the quilt to be two sided. I've noticed that a lot of modern quilts in blogs and on Pinterest have white backgrounds with bold prints. That was the style I was aiming for.

I had asked the quilter to use white thread but she instead she used a variegated red and blue thread. She offered to tear it out but I think that would have damaged the quilt.

The back of the quilt does not have the look I wanted.


  1. Oh dear. I'm sorry you aren't happy with it. I know the feeling. It looks cute in the photo though. I hate that variegated thread. It ends up looking like the quilting is lop sided because some shows up and some doesn't. I really don't like it. I'm currently looking for a new quilter myself. Three strikes and she's out. SHe's currently tearing out my sister's quilt. I feel terrible about it. I took it there for her. Ugh.

  2. Sorry that you don't like the final product. It is such a bummer that your quilter wrecked it.

    It looks okay from a distance, maybe you should just put it far away so you don't see the quilting.
