Friday, January 18, 2013

Sleeping Bags For My New Toys

Blogger seems to have changed how I am able to upload my photos since my last post. It's taken me over an hour to figure a way to move 4 photos from a file on my computer to this post.  If the photos had been on a phone or other device I think I could have moved them without a hassle.  Once I found a backdoor way to get the photos, it took over 5 minutes each to upload.  I must be doing something wrong.

For Christmas,Tom got me a new camera which will fit nicely in my purse.  My camera expert, Ang, suggested I should keep it covered so the back wouldn't get scratched and nothing would poke into the lens.  I went into my stash and found some cute critter fabric scraps and made a cover for the camera.

I lined the case with flannel and used Velcro for a clasp. 
I was very blessed this Christmas, I also received an ipad from Jenny, Ang, and Austin.  I purchased a plastic cover to protect it but thought the ipad should have a quilted cover for times when I leave home.   

My friend, Pat had given me some hand dyed batiks for my birthday, which  I used  to make the cover.


  1. Your cases look great! JoAnn's sells some colored velcro too - check out the baby section. or Etsy too.

    to upload photos, it should just be clicking the upload on the left side menu options, then "choose files" with that gray button, and you could choose your hard drive or the camera drive to upload from there. if they are big files then it might take a bit to upload.

  2. Now you would have lots of use for the Apple App Card!
