Saturday, April 13, 2013

Dark Chocolate Marshmallow Cookies

We plan to visit Jeff tomorrow, so that gave me an excuse to bake some cookies. Tom and I don't need to have a batch of cookies tempting us, now we will only have half a batch to mess with our calorie counts.
I made Chocolate Marshmallow Cookies, I got the recipe from "Farm Journal's Choice Chocolate Recipes."  My sister-in-law, Kathryn, gave me the cookbook about 30 years ago because she knew I was a chocoholic.  I couldn't find the recipe online but this one is almost the same (my recipe calls for another tablespoon of cocoa in the frosting).  I changed the recipe a little when I made the cookies today, I used mini chocolate chips instead of chopped walnuts and used "Hershey's Special Dark Cocoa" instead of regular cocoa. (Remember the chocoholic thing).    


  1. those look great! good pictures too - is that your canon?

  2. Did you use butter? They look great.

  3. mmm...they look decadent!
