Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fluffy Snow

This is one of the woodpeckers who enjoys eating our suet. We have a basket hanger for suet also. The suet in the photo is in a box Tom added to the bird feeder. We have a number of woodpeckers and blue jays who really seem to have fun attacking the suet.

This morning it was beautiful outside. The tree branches were covered with fluffy snow.


  1. that's a good bird picture. I thought you didn't like snow.

  2. wood peckers are pretty birds and fun to watch. That sure is a pretty picture you took of the snow on the trees. Your so lucky to be able to see birds out your window. All I see from my window is the parking lot not much birds around outside my place. I am thankful for the pictures I can see like ones you take so thank you!
