Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rag Quilt for Linda

I finally finished Linda's Christmas present. I the sewing and clipping done when we went out on Monday but hadn't washed it yet. Kathryn advised me to take rag quilts to the laundromat the first time I made one. Good advice, I wouldn't want to plug my washer's drain with a lot of fuzz and short thread pieces. The front of the quilt is my own design, the back just happened. I didn't stitch Xs in the small squares since they ended up less than 4 inches. In the large squares I quilted using a flower shape.


  1. nice job! I like how the back looks like a pixelated space alien from the Space Invaders video game.

  2. Hi Mary! This quilt is spectacular and so very special. My mom is going to absoultly love it so much. I enjoyed lunch and shopping with you. Hope your having a great week and new year so far. Once again wonderful job and I just love the color themes you chose. I envy your talent so very much.

  3. I love it, and can't wait to get it. I noticed the heart on the bottom with our picture. So, that's why you wanted a recent picture of us. Sneaky!!
    You are so talented. The colors are perfect for our living room. Thank you to Tom, also for holding up the quilt. I recognized his shoes, ha!

  4. Wow~~~
    You did a very nice job on that~!

    Seemed like you were just getting the squares together and then poof! It was done!
    KUDOS to you!!!!
