Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Easters Past

I follow Nanette's blog. Today she had posted some of her childhood Easter photos. She said that she and Eileen had been talking about childhood memories of Easter, new dresses, gloves, hats, etc. They decided to post vintage pictures and bask in old memories. They also invited others to join them.

This is my Easter photo from 1950.

This one was from 1951, you will notice the Easter Bunny used the same basket both years.

The following picture was from 1952. Looking at the outside of my parents home, you will notice that they didn't have much money for yard improvement. I really don't remember not having a sidewalk but obviously that came later. I vaguely remember the hat. I think I got a new Easter hat every year, of course back then Catholic women had to wear hats to church. My mom used to make my clothes, but I don't know if she made the coat. Looks like she bought me a stylish purse.

The picture below is from 1984. We were celebrating my parent's 40th anniversary on Easter with my brother and his family. Since we are all in the photo, I'm not sure who took the picture.

This picture wasn't taken on Easter but brought back happy memories. My parents often watched my kids when I went shopping. My mom would hide plastic eggs and the kids would have an Easter egg hunt even though Easter might be weeks away. I guess that was good practice because my sister-in-law always had a big Easter egg hunt for her nieces and nephews on Easter Sunday.

When my children were small, I sewed a lot of their clothes. I made Ang the dress below when she was 2. It was a 2 piece dress with a pinafore on top. I remember it being very poofy with all the ruffles.


  1. Very cute pictures. The ones from the 1950s remind me of my childhood house...especially the one from 1952 that shows the coal chute door on the outside of the house. Thanks for sharing your pictures.

  2. Oh, what a cutie you were!
    Love the little coat and hat.

    Kimberly :)

  3. the first one is especially adorable. and the second could be Kristin.

  4. Sweet pictures of you and your kids!

  5. These Easter photos are so fun to see. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Oh I just love all these photos! And I don't think people worried too much about their yards back then.. only later on. Or only the front yard had flowers and neatly trimmed grass.. the back yard was for playing :-)
    Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful photos with us!

  7. Love all your Easter pictures. Thanks for sharing your memories.

  8. Oh I love this post! I love that we share similar memories. Isn't that great. It was a world of innocents, not the F word all the time, dresses and the wonderment of the Easter Bunny. Love the sox in the one pic. I remember sox all dolled up like that, too. Sweet stuff. And cute of your kids at Easter. Love it. Thanks for playing along, it makes it so fun.

  9. Thanks for the little walk down memory lane. I've only seen one picture of you as a kid, so it was fun to see the additional ones. I remember lots of the clothes you made for the kids, and recognized Angie's dress. It's so nice to have fond memories of childhood.

  10. how special I enjoyed your photos so much your such a little doll, the dresses you made for the girls are so adorable. time sure does fly by so fast.... I hope you have such a wonderful Easter.

  11. What nice photos and memories you have! Thanks for sharing them. It is fun to look back and remember..sad, too, when we think of our parents being gone.

  12. What cute pictures...I really liked the second shot with the chair and curtains...was that barkcloth? It is so fun looking at all the vintage pictures that are so different, but somehow the same feel to them! Better times!

  13. Yes, really good memory photos.....would love to see little girls dressed 'frilly' again!!

  14. I esp love the adorable photo from 1952! Our yard was the same, until the grass grew in; in fact, when my parents bought their 1st brand new home in 1963, it didn't even come with grass; they had to grow it themselves! Isn't that odd? Happy Easter!
