Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Trying New Recipes

Last week when I went to the Herbal Luncheon at Zehnder's, they served us minestrone soup and gave us the recipe. The soup was very tasty, so I tried the recipe. Of course I couldn't find the correct pasta and had to use dried herbs but I think the soup turned out well. I probably shredded too much cheese on top but we are cheese lovers.

To go with the soup, I baked Peppery Cheese Bread. The recipe was in a recent Taste of Home. It turned out well also. The flavor reminds me of Red Lobster's biscuits minus the garlic.

About a week ago, I saw an article in the paper about selling daffodils as a cancer fundraiser. In the photos with the article, women were getting the flowers ready for the sale. The flowers were just buds. So when I noticed I had some daffodil buds outside, I picked them and brought them in. Within a day the buds opened. We got a few inches of snow yesterday, so the flowers really brighten up the house and make it feel like spring. The vase is sitting on a table runner I made last year.


  1. your soup and bread look so delicious... I love daffadils your table runner is goregous.. very pretty pastel springy colors. see you tommorow at quilting club!

  2. Soup and dafodills. Love it. Spring is a good soup time.

  3. The soup and bread look delicious! The daffodils are beautiful and make me want spring even more with this crappy weather!
