Wednesday, June 17, 2009


This past weekend we had to graduation parties to attend. Steven, our neighbor graduated from Vassar High School. His mom asked if I would make layered finger jello for his party. I made one batch to match the school colors, orange and black. I used black cherry jello for the black layer, not quite black. If I do this again I will have to find a way to make black jello.

Because Steven is leaving for the army in August, I also made a batch of red, white and blue finger jello. That one turned out looking better. I personally don't care for finger jello but it always seems to go over at a party and the layer version is pretty to look at.

My nephew, Nathan also had a graduation party this weekend. For his party, I decorated the small Hershey and Kit Kat bars. In the past, the candy bars had paper wrappers over an inner foil wrap and I would make new personalized outer wrappers on the computer. Now the candy bars only have an one piece wrapper. So I just made labels for the front and back. On the front I put a picture of Nathan in his Swan Valley football jersey.

On the back of the bars, I put a label wishing him good luck at Michigan Tech which he plans to attend in the fall. Unfortunately I didn't take photos before the party and only have pictures of the wrapper from the candy I ate.


  1. that Jello looks great. I'll need to find an occasion to make some.

  2. Holy Cow that jello looks perfect. I've never done that at all. It looks so hard! You're sweet to accomodate them. It makes me want to reach through the computer and squish it.

  3. Whoa, that jell-o looks great. I do not have the patience for such perfection.

  4. Your jello is perfect! I always have trouble getting the layers to come out even. It must be the fridge isn't level.

  5. hi mary! you are the jello queen. You sure make goregous jello and I love the little candy bars yoiu decorated for your nephew. Sounds like you have been pretty busy this summer. Hope to see you soon!

  6. Let me say that those went over very well at Steven's party. I sure do appreciate YOUR talent! I still today rave to co-workers your talent and in many many areas!
