Sunday, June 21, 2009

Memorial Peony

memorial Something designed to preserve the memory of a person or event.

My mom passed away three years ago. She had a wonderful green thumb and the most beautiful flower beds, especially when she was younger. Four years ago she gave me a peony plant from her garden. It survived that winter but did not bloom the following summer. The next year it had one bloom. Last year it had four or five. This year the peony is gorgeous.

The flowers are stunning.

One difference I've noticed is when my mom would pick her peonies they would have a lot of ants on them. I've been lucky, haven't notice any ants yet.

When I look at the beautiful peonies, I think fondly of my mom.


  1. what pretty peonys and what a precious memory of your mom. Thanks for sharing and hope your doing well.

  2. Peonies are lush and beautiful. This one is a lovely shade. What a sweet legacy this plant has. Nice.
