Monday, August 10, 2009

Fabric Shopping in Colorado

We had a great time visiting Jenny in Colorado. We've been back for a week, so I'm behind on this post. We took our Michigan rain with us when we went to see Jenny, so we didn't do too many outdoor activities. We went to a transportation museum and took a candy factory tour in Denver. One day Jenny took us to Fort Collins, we stopped at some flea markets and took in some beautiful scenery. We would have done some hiking, well walking, but it started to rain. The first afternoon there, Jenny and I visited local fabric shops. Anyone who knows me, knows I love little critters, well not the real ones. Jenny spied this book and I know it wanted to go home with me.

Jenny also found the following book. It also spoke to me and had to join my collection. It contains a lot of neat ideas on making three dimensional flower. I can see planning a wall hanging for our bedroom using some of the patterns.

I added to my collection of purple and fuchsia batiks. I plan to make a jacket eventually with the batiks. I already have quite a few so I'm thinking there will be enough leftovers for a throw.

The following panel really jumped out to me. I have just the spot for it by the back entry from the garage. This may actually get finished before Halloween because all I need to do is add batting, backing and binding. I can do some simple outline quilting and it should be done....maybe some embellishing too.

This is the fabric I bought to use for the binding and backing.


  1. nice fabric and I love the panel you bought for Halloween it will look so cute when you get it finished. You always have such great taste. looking forward to Wednesday!!

  2. Hi Mary,
    Thanks for stopping by!
    It sounds like you and Jenny had a nice visit. (Your Hungry turned out soooo cute).

    The fabric folding book looks amazing! You'll have fun with that.

    Oh, and yes. The flower baskets have sweet potato vine, impatients, and coleus.

    Kimberly :)

  3. Fun shopping. I'm sure Jenny loves showing you around Colorado. You got some great things.
