Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fabric Shopping With Good Friends

Last Thursday, six quilting friends and I went fabric shopping. We went to three shops, Mabelena's in Ortonville, Elaine's in Hadley and Linda's in Davison. I think I can speak for all of us in saying we had a great time.

I found the following panel at Mabelena's. I think it will make a quick wall hanging for our back door entry at Christmas time.

Two stops later at Linda's Quilt shop I found the perfect fabric to go with the panel. I also found some ginghams for a Christmas project and some neat quilting note cards. The trip reinforced the benefit of shopping at a lot of different shops. All three shops had a big selection of fabrics but each store had many unique items.

The butterfly in the picture below was not very cooperative, he wouldn't pose for me. It was fun to watch him fly from one cone flower to another.


  1. thanks for the fabric and the pictures. I put the monkey card on my fridge. Hungry says hi.

  2. Yes we had a very good time shopping and getting new ides! Looking forward to another one.
