Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Show N Tell

Some of my friends took a beginning quilting class at My Lil' Quilt Shop in Millington. They had finished the tops and had Julie quilt them. At our quilt club meeting, Julie brought in the quilts she had completed quilting.

This one was made by Pat. Don't you love the bright colors. It doesn't show in the picture but the quilting was done in variegated thread.

Amy completed this quilt. This is Amy's first project, very impressive! (and to think she had considered stopping with 3 blocks and make only a table runner)

This is Dena's quilt. The photo doesn't do justice to the beautiful colors in the quilt.

The pattern seemed a little difficult for a beginning class but they all did a great job. Other club member also noted how well they all did with the arrows and points. Pat, Amy and Dena should be very proud of their quilts.


  1. I am very proud of my fellow classmates! Wonderful job with more projects to follow, right? Thnks for posting this.

  2. Thanks so much I am proud of everyone too and am so grateful for my mom and all of you....

  3. I love beginners. It is exciting to see them motivated and so proud of their finished projects. Good for them!!!
