Monday, March 15, 2010

March Meeting Part 2

More Show N Tell from our last meeting......Faith made the following three baby quilts.

Faith also made this scrappy string quilt.

I believe this is the back of the string quilt.

Faith also made this pretty blue and yellow quilt.

Julie made these two Bow Tuck bags using horse themed fabric.

Kay made about 4 tote bags. She is going to send them to Taiwan.

Kay took a class in Saginaw to make this table runner using a paper foundation technique.

Diana took the same class, this is her table runner.

Carole also took the class. I believe this is the back of her runner.

Janelle made this sewing mat for under her sewing machine. It is similar to Nancy's in yesterday's post.

Mary Lou made and quilted this gorgeous wall hanging.

Jeananne is the proud grandmother of twins. In January, I posted a picture of the christening gown she made for her grandson. This is the gown she made for her granddaughter, Eloise. It is very pretty with a lot of lacy details.

Jan shared a quilt label she cross stitched with a very appropriate saying.

Jan made the following quit tops from scraps. She is donating them to the club for victims of house fires.

Jan said she intended this to be the back of one of the quilts, but club members disagreed. We thought it was nice enough to be a quilt top.

Thanks to Pat, for taking notes while I took photos at the meeting :)


  1. Sweet show-n-tell. Fun stuff. That dress is lovely.

  2. I am so glad to be a part of this wonderful quilt group!
