Friday, March 19, 2010

Warm Spring Weather

The weather has been beautiful....warm and sunny. So I can't resist posting more photos of my crocus, they really popped with the warmth.

They are gorgeous in the sunshine.

Too bad we have snow in the forecast :(

I've been testing a vest pattern. I used some of the fabric I bought when I was in NYC last fall shopping for Ang's wedding dress.

The fabric is very quite metallic.

I'm not totally sold on my pattern so I guess I will have to keep trying to find the perfect fit. I have a quilted vest I would like to make but want a good fitting pattern first.


  1. We have got a foot of snow here. Boo.

  2. The crocuses are beautiful! I changed my background to the multi-colored crocuses. I love your vest. The fabric from the recent one is the one I was thinking of for the rehearsal dinner one you made. Both are stunning.

  3. wow I love your crocus flowers and your vest is amazing. I wish I could sew like you your so talented.

  4. I have little green shoots coming up in my front yard. Soon to be colorful crocuses. Spring is exciting. I am not good anymore at making clothes. Even an apron kills me. But a vest! Couldn't do it.
