Saturday, April 30, 2011

April Millington Quilt Club Meeting

At our meeting on Wednesday, Faith showed us this purse she made.

Faith also shared a quilt made from her stash.

Nancy shared a purse made from the same pattern Faith used.

This is Connie modeling her Ami Simm's Michigan Mink Jacket.

Connie made this Mariner's Compass quilt for her granddaughter's 3rd birthday.

Mary made this bag from fabric she found in Alaska.

Sidney used recycled ties to make an Ipod holder.

Here Sidney is modeling her Easter apron.

Karen showed the club quilt she had quilted.

Jean made a purple purse.

Julie showed us a number of bags she had made.

Jan made 3 flannel rag quilts for charity.

Eileen is going to teach the members to make blocks for a "Walk in the Park' quilt. She has been working on making blocks and quilting them as she goes.

Cheryl made this black and white bag.

Carolyn pieced and quilted this brown and tan quilt.

Linda showed the group her daughter Theresa's first quilt. Theresa made the quilt for a friend who has just lost her mom. She used photos of the friend, her mom and her friend's child in the quilt.

Julie quilted Theresa's quilt. Julie also quilted this quilt. One of Linda's friends hand embroidered the blocks.

Julie made this beautiful cake for our lunch.

A big thanks to Linda for taking notes, while I took pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I've been AWOL from my quilt group meetings the last few months - stuff seems to come up. And so it is nice to see your show-n-tell pics.
