Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

We went to Tom's sister's home in Rochester to celebrate Easter with Tom's family today.
I tested a new recipe for stained glass jello. I think I need to tweak the recipe a little. I used sugar free and low fat ingredients and the flavors weren't quite as good as they could be.

Jeff brought the eggs for the family dinner. (Jeff is an electrical engineer.) He has an Egg-Bot, which he bought at a Maker Faire. ( Jeff spent a lot of free time this past week decorating eggs for his coworkers. (A lot of those eggs had GM, Volt and Hybrid logos on them)

My sister-in-law, Chris, made everyone an Easter basket. A lot of scrapbooking...there were 13 of us at dinner. I haven't had an Easter basket since I was a child so this is a real treat :)

The ground was covered with snow earlier this week. Finally, we had a sunny warm day and I found some hardy flowers blooming.

Happy Easter & Happy Spring!!!


  1. Everything looks great...sorry I couldn't be there.

  2. The jello is very pretty. Looks like you had a nice day. Even the flowers co-operated.
