Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mission Store Find

Yesterday, I worked at our church Mission Store. Another worker and I spent most of our time pricing donations. We went through numerous boxes of fabric. A real treat for both of us, we both belong to the Millington Quilt Club and have sewn for years. Most of the fabric was wool or silk, I think whoever originally owned the fabric may have been a seamstress. I found one fabric with a lot of gold metallic threads in it, hopefully it will become a vest one day. As I worked though the boxes of fabric, I kept moving a cigar style box out of the way.

Imagine my surprise when I opened the box! It was full of threads. Of course, I had my coworker price it and I purchased it.

I recognize the Mettler and Gutermann brands but have never heard of Ursus thread. Does anyone know if it is a good brand of thread? I have not been able to find any information online.

1 comment:

  1. What a find! There are advantages of working at that store.
